Tuesday, August 12, 2008

10 Mistakes of Entrepreneurs

Mistake # 1 - Addicted to Being Right
This behavior happens to ultra competitive people. People who are addicted to being right will argue and argue and argue whether they are right or wrong. Even if it hurts them, they'll still insist on being right.
Mistake # 2 - Becoming a Control Freak
Entrepreneurs and workaholics are usually control freaks. It's one of the reasons that entrepreneurs make poor managers. They find it very hard to delegate. Control freaks insist on having everything their own way...regardless of the consequences.
Mistake # 3 - Having a "Captious" Personality
People who have a "captious personality" are quick to point out the faults in other people and never give compliments. They are very negative and focus on pointing out problems and avoid complimenting others on their accomplishments.
Mistake # 4 - Blaming Other People
People who blame others have a very difficult time with personal accountability and always blame problems on outside forces or other people. And people who blame are always looking to blame someone rather than accepting the fact that problems are a normal part of doing business.
Mistake # 5 - Thinking You're Better than Others
Some entrepreneurs think they are better than other humans for the simple fact that they own their own business. They believe that they are entitled to privileges beyond what the normal person should receive.
Mistake # 6 - Possessing a Careless Tongue
People who have a careless tongue have a difficult time keeping private things confidential. And they gossip at times and are addicted to using sarcasm. They even lie and cheat. But mostly they simply can't seem to hold back inappropriate comments that are better left unsaid.
Mistake # 7 - Having a Lack of Balance In Your Life
Entrepreneurs who have a lack of balance in their lives are usually workaholics. They are addicted to their work. They have a driving desire to succeed, not matter what the consequences. These people can't even sit down at night and watch television without feeling as though they should be doing something.
(see my comments below on this topic)
Mistake # 8 - Expressing Uncontrolled Anger
This person has no sense of self-control and often allows their anger to get the better of them. They can't seem to take a time out or think about their words between the time they get upset and the time it takes them to say something.
Their emotions rule their tongue and actions. They leave a trail of hurt feelings and animosity in their wake.
Mistake # 9 - Taking Yourself Too Seriously
This type of person can't seem to loosen up. They are always "turned on" and they take every little thing seriously. They have a hard time laughing and finding humor in life.
People are intimidated by this person because they are always thinking of the consequences of their actions while they're around them. They are always on guard around this type of person.
Mistake # 10 - Looking for a Secret to Success
Dr. Helms called this the "slot machine" syndrome (pulling a handle and having money fall out of the machine).
Because of the all the hype in marketing, this person is always looking for an easy way to succeed rather than just applying consistent hard work and patience.
This person skips from opportunity to opportunity without giving anything a chance to succeed.

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