Wednesday, August 20, 2008

You need effective marketing, Not huge budgets (2)

Use a short press release to get local or trade press coverage
Aside from the obituaries, we all like the idea of seeing our names in print. While a front-page story in The Wall Street Journal is a long shot when you're first starting out, there are other places where you can get press coverage. Your first press release—a simple announcement that goes to reporters—should announce that you've started a business in a certain location to sell particular products or services.
Once you've completed the press release, get in touch with local and neighborhood newspapers to find out which editors or reporters might be interested in your announcement. And if your business is in an industry that has its own specialized trade magazines, get in touch with those publications, too. While press coverage isn't guaranteed like advertising, getting your business mentioned by a newspaper or magazine can be very effective in attracting customers.
Have information readily available with a brochure and Web site—Online Internet Marketing
What kind of information do you want people to know about your business? Advertising and public relations provide the basics, but you'll probably also want customers to understand a little more about what makes your business unique. A simple two- or four-page brochure can nicely explain things like services, products, and prices
with both pictures and text. Your local printer may be able to help you create an effective brochure.
Keep in mind, though, that a good brochure is straightforward and explains the benefits of what you have to offer, rather than going into exhausting detail about the products or services you provide. That's where your Web site can come into play. On your site, you can start where the brochure ends and provide as many details as you think your customers will find interesting. Also keep in mind that just having a Web site doesn't mean people will find you. So unless you want to feel like you're running a lemonade stand by the side of an abandoned road, talk to your Web hosting company about how to get the most out of search engines.
Keep marketing to your existing customers
One of the exciting things about running a business is happy customers—particularly those who keep coming back because they find value in what you have to offer. Make sure you stay in touch with these people! Ask customers if they'd like to be on your mailing list so you can keep them up-to-date with special offers. Remember: a direct mailing campaign has a higher success rate when it goes to existing customers who agree that you can contact them.
You'll want to keep track of these people in a database or spreadsheet. Sound like a chore? Hardly. It will be proof that the world is beating a path to your doorstep.

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